Our Programmes

In-kind Donations

Pamoja Foundation donates food and books to the needy community. The food and scolastic material are usually distributed to the , wheel chairs to disabled students.

Infrastructure Development

Pamoja Foundation in collaboration with other organizations supports constraction and rehabilitation of water wells and cultural and learning centers


Primary Schools

Pamoja Foundation manages four Primary schools, Princes Gate, Bin Ghanim, Acme and Kongowe Islamic and Primary School. The primary schools have a total of about 700 students.

Secondary Schools

The foundation is in the process of constructing a secondary school for girls at Ruvu station, Kibaha in Coastal Region, The School will be named as Pamoja Girls Secondary School. The school has been planned to start its operations in 2024.

Secondary School

Students Hostels

Pamoja Foundation manages two hostels, one is situated at Kongowe, Temeke District and another one at Minazimikinda, Kibaha District Coast Region.
Each of the two Hostels has capacity of accomodating 80 students.

Youth Skills Development

Economic Empowerment

Pamoja Foundation provides Economic support to widows and people who are economically challenged. Most of these are dealing with petty trade like selling of cooking oil, fishes, goats, vegitables and maize flour

Small Scale Industry

The foundation has established the grain milling factory which is called Pamoja Grain Milling, this is a small industry initiated in 2019 for the purpose of manufacturing flour in order to be sold in different part of Tanzania Mainland. The factory is located at Mfipa ward Kibaha, Pwani Region. Currently the factory produces only maize flour.

Students Career Awareness

Pamoja Foundation conducts career Awareness Training programs. More than 5000 students have been reached.

Students Talents Promotion

    Pamoja Foundation runs a Students Talent Promotion Project since year 2014. This project aims to promote talented students from disadvantaged families studying at advanced level secondary schools academically and morally so that they may become future change agents.